About Us
Our website was established in 2002 and was created for the sake of the Pionus Parrots that I bred and handfed their babies to sell and to give our viewers information on this great parrot specie. Each year when I had baby birds I would create numerous pages with photos and info on the babies for our viewers to see!
Babies out for feeding and play time.
In the year of 2009, was my last year for breeding. Having What was Asthma that turned into COPD for me made it most difficult to breathe and when I had the baby birds it was the worst for my breathing. Even though I kept things clean from the dander and mess, it still made it hard for me. So I had to give it all up. I sold all the breeding pairs I worked so hard to gather over the years but it had to be done. Now I only own one pet bird as of today which is my Blue & Gold Macaw.
About this website: I am trying to maintain it and have made the choice to revamp it and make it smaller, there won't probably be much here on the site but I do have the Leg Band Registry that I don't want to give up at this time.