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Pionus Parrot's Website - Leg Band Registry
Registry for all parrot species!
A Free Service to use! For Avian "Leg Bands Codes".


General Info before you search: If the breeder of your bird has not registered their info for our database, then you will not get a result from searching.

If you want to do a search on who raised your parrot, you can search our database based on a leg band code. The band would be usually up to 3 initials which usually stands for the name of the breeder or aviary name and 2 letters for the state the bird was raised in by the breeder. Do not use the numbers you see on the leg band.

Currently the database contains 371 entries. The registry has been available since March 2009.


How did you locate our Site? Hold Control Key and click to make more than one selection.
How did you find us? *
Use your Real Name or Aviary Name.
Name or Aviary Name *
Email Address *
Website (Not Required)
Phone (Not Required)  
Band Codes: Typically, this would be 3 letters for your initials and 2 letters that represent the state you live in, no spaces. Do not add in band numbers. Example: JMR CA
Leg Band Code *
Add in all your colors of bands that you use. (Hold Control Key while you click on each color.)
Band Colors *
Select if this is a New Entry or an Update in the next text field:
My Entry is: *
Comments are not added into Database.
Type in the current month:
Current month *



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